March 2025 Newsletter


From the Principal's Desk

Classroom teachers are in the process of setting up spring parent-teacher conference schedules. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to review your child’s progress and discuss questions and/or concerns you might have about the remainder of this year.  

Congratulations to the Newspaper Club for putting together another terrific edition of The Greely Gazette!

March is shaping up to be one of our busiest months, with lots of special programming and events going on. Please do everything you can to have your child on time and in attendance so they don't miss out! That said, we also know there's a fair amount of illness going around. Feel free to refer to these suggestions from our district nurses to determine if your child should come to school. 

Dates to Remember:

  • Tuesday, 3/11 - MSAD 51 Chorus Concert
  • Wednesday, 3/12 - Full School Day & Global School Play Day
  • Friday, 3/14 - No School, Professional Learning Day
  • Monday, 3/17-Friday 3/21 - 5th Grade CoGAT Testing

Sincerely, Carol MacArthur

Principal, Grade 4-5


Office Reminders

  • Student arrival begins at 8:20 AM.
  • School begins at 8:50 AM. If your child arrives after that time, they are tardy and need to check-in at the office before going to the classroom.
  • You can report absences, communicate transportation plans or make general inquiries by calling the main office at 829-4815 or emailing [email protected]

We greatly appreciate your attention to these procedures, as they help to ensure that our routines run smoothly and efficiently.

Community Corner

Doing hard things can be uncomfortable. Doing the right thing can be uncomfortable.

It's normal to want to protect our children from discomfort and pain, but is it always a good idea?  Life is full of uncomfortable situations and discomfort gives us information, asks us to assess our values, and provides opportunities for growth.  How do we help children get comfortable with being uncomfortable? Sometimes it looks like not solving a problem for them, but letting them sit with discomfort while they puzzle it out.  We can offer support and acknowledgement by saying something like, "wow that's an uncomfortable situation."  Sometimes it looks like modeling.  We can say aloud, "Geez, I'm in a very uncomfortable situation.  This feels awful, and I need to take some time to think about how I want to handle it."  

There is a well-known book that touches on this subject called The Blessing of the Skinned Knee: Raising Self-Reliant Children by Wendy Mogel, PhD.

Here is a link to a short article in Psychology Today titled What We Gain by Being Uncomfortable: can discomfort help us learn more? Here's what the research says.

Katie Campbell, School Social Worker

Ali Waterhouse, School Counselor

Amy Vincent-Cross, School Social Worker


A Look Into Literacy

As we welcome March, the arrival of spring is just on the horizon! Our 4th and 5th grade students have recently concluded their informational literacy unit and are gearing up for their final unit, commencing on Monday, March 10.

In 4th grade, students will delve into the literary elements of historical fiction while also constructing their own narratives within this genre. They will engage with core texts to explore the characteristics that define historical fiction, applying their understanding through independent reading selections. This unit promises a rich experience as students learn to transfer their knowledge into their own writing, creating meaningful connections between reading and writing.

Meanwhile, 5th graders will explore a similar process, focusing on the adventure and survival genre. Consistent with their prior units, this engaging experience will encompass reading, writing, research, and the synthesis of information, aimed at fostering a deeper comprehension of the subjects at hand.

Both grade-level units are designed to provide dynamic learning experiences that encourage curiosity and creativity. We look forward to the growth and insights our students will achieve as they embark on these exciting journeys in literature.

Check out this cool event going on at PML!

Janet Giguere, Literacy Specialist

Math Matters!

Our Mathematicians have been busy this past month extending their understanding of numbers. In fourth grade, students are about to complete a unit of study on fractions and decimals. They explored fraction equivalence and compared and ordered fractions using different representations. They then extended their understanding of fractions to decimals to the hundredths. In the upcoming unit of study, students build on their knowledge of extended multiplication facts and area as they learn the basic principles of multi-digit multiplication.

In fifth grade, students are extending their understanding of the base-10 place value system to include decimals to the thousandths. In this unit, they read, write, and represent decimals in various ways and learn strategies to compare, order, and round decimals. Students learn how to apply whole-number algorithms to add and subtract decimals.

You can help support your child at home by linking mathematics with daily life. Every day, people face situations that involve mathematics, such as deciding whether one has enough money to purchase a list of items at the store, building a budget, developing a schedule, or determining the price of an item on sale. Help your child realize that mathematics is a significant part of everyday life.

Shannon Peterson, Math Specialist

Library News

We celebrated Read America Week with guest readers from our school and greater community!





Time for our Spring Book Fair!
Dates: March 17th - March 28th
Family Events: During Conferences on Weds 3/19 & 3/26

We need volunteers! Sign up here!

Dorothy Hall-Riddle, 4-8 Librarian

Check This Out!

Thanks to a generous donation from our Greely PTO, The Cromwell Center came to present their disabilities awareness, sensitivity and anti-bullying program to all our classes. 


The Late Bus

In addition to regular, daily dismissal, a late bus is also available on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for students who stay for co-curricular activities or after-school academic support.  Buses pick up students from GMS at 4:15pm and transport them home. Please be aware that depending on the number of students riding the late bus on a given day, your child's arrival time at home may vary.  If you have specific questions about the late bus, please feel free to call the Transportation Garage at 829-4820. 

Co-Curricular Activities

5th grade Band Mr. Barry Saunders [email protected]   

Chorus - Mrs. Jennifer Caton [email protected]   

French Club - Ms. Taylor Poulin [email protected]

Newspaper Club - Ms. Melissa Fiess [email protected] 

5th grade Ukulele Club - Mr. Barry Saunders [email protected]  

5th grade Math Team - Mrs. Laurie Poissonnier [email protected]   

During the School Day:   
Green Team - Mrs. Monica Moore [email protected] 

Civil Rights Team - Mrs. Katie Cassessee [email protected], Mrs. Jane Kilbride-Dupuis [email protected], Ms. Molly Russell [email protected] 

Stay Connected 

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Greely Middle School 4-5   
School Calendars

Greely Middle School 4-5     
351 Tuttle Road, Cumberland, ME 04021      
Contact Us   |   207.829.4815