January 2025 Newsletter

From the Principal's Desk

Happy New Year! It's great to be back! Students and staff have spent time revisiting routines and expectations. New since our return from break is the addition of COMPOSTING! We are very excited to be working with Garbage to Garden on this endeavor. Kudos to our Green Team for their work on this project, including educating their peers!


i-READY TESTING: On Thursday 1/16 and Tuesday 1/21, students will be taking the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment. This online adaptive test in reading and math adjusts the difficulty of questions based on your child’s previous responses. It is designed to be engaging and includes built-in brain breaks. There is no special preparation for this assessment; however, we do value the information it provides us and ask that you join us in encouraging your child to do his/her best and not rush. We will analyze student results from the assessment to celebrate growth from the fall and identify areas for additional instruction throughout the remainder of the year.

PROGRESS REPORTS: On Friday, January 31st, you will receive an email that your child’s Semester 1 digital progress report is available for viewing in the Parent Portal of Powerschool (K-5). Paper copies will only be sent home upon request. If you have yet to log in or need to update your contact information, follow this link for instructions on how to do so. Our teachers spend a considerable amount of time gathering and analyzing information to ensure accurate reporting about your child’s progress to date. If you have questions about your child’s progress after reviewing this report, please contact your child’s teacher directly.  In March, teachers will be offering another opportunity to formally meet about your child’s performance.

PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY DEVICES: In schools, the New Year seems to invite students to bring with them their new gadgets and technology devices.  A friendly reminder that personal technology devices that are not being used for educational/medical purposes must remain turned off and stored in backpacks during the school day. Smart watches may be worn as long as they are not used as communication or gaming devices. Many teachers have shifted to asking students to put their smart watches in “airplane mode” to resist the temptation. Please do not plan to contact your child or encourage him/her to contact you during the school day using personal devices. We appreciate your partnership!

Please know that we are always open to communication that will enhance your child’s educational experience with us and welcome your questions and feedback at any time.

Monday, 1/20 - No School, MLK Jr Day
Wednesday, 1/22 - Full Day

Sincerely, Carol MacArthur

Principal, Grade 4-5


Office Reminders

  • Student arrival begins at 8:20 AM.
  • School begins at 8:50 AM. If your child arrives after that time, they are tardy and need to check-in at the office before going to the classroom.
  • You can report absences, communicate transportation plans/changes or make general inquiries by calling the main office at 829-4815 or emailing [email protected]

We greatly appreciate your attention to these procedures, as they help to ensure that our routines run smoothly and efficiently.


Lost & Found

If you are missing something, encourage your child to take a look at the racks & bins just outside the cafeteria. 


Community Corner

Goal Setting

Setting and working towards achievable goals helps build skills that are critical to your child's growth and success.  PBS Kids For Parents offers this short list of important skills developed through goal setting:
     > Responsibility: Success or failure depends on what they put into it.
     > Time management: Kids learn how to manage their time to meet their goals.
     > Self Confidence: Nothing beats the feeling of meeting your own goal.
     > Resilience: Kids learn to cope with the small setbacks that might stand in their way.
     > Perseverance: They learn to keep trying and rework their steps until they meet their goals.
Click here for the whole article, How to Help Your Child Set and Reach Goals

Happy 2025!

Katie Campbell, School Social Worker

Ali Waterhouse, School Counselor

Amy Vincent-Cross, School Social Worker


A Look Into Literacy

Happy New Year! I trust that everyone enjoyed a restful and enjoyable winter break. We are nearing the conclusion of the first trimester here at GMS. Students in both 4th and 5th grades are progressing through Unit 2 in literacy. This unit focuses on informational text, encompassing reading, research, and writing activities.

A significant emphasis has been placed on identifying main ideas and key details, which enhances students' note-taking skills for their research projects. Additionally, both grade levels are engaging with "tier 2" vocabulary words, alongside "tier 3" vocabulary words. Tier 2 vocabulary consists of words frequently utilized in academic contexts across various subjects, while Tier 3 vocabulary encompasses terms specific to particular disciplines (e.g., animal adaptations for 4th grade and ecosystems for 5th grade).

This unit will conclude at the beginning of March, providing students with several weeks to deepen their understanding of their chosen topics. Both grade levels will culminate their learning with a final project that includes informational writing. I encourage you to discuss with your child what they are currently exploring in their literacy class.

Check out this exciting library event going on at GMS!  

Check out these cool events going on at PML!

Janet Giguere, Literacy Specialist


Math Matters!

Our Mathematicians have been busy this past month extending their understanding of numbers. In fourth grade, students are about to complete a unit of study on fractions and decimals. They explored fraction equivalence and compared and ordered fractions using different representations. They then extended their understanding of fractions to decimals to the hundredths. In the upcoming unit of study, students build on their knowledge of extended multiplication facts and area as they learn the basic principles of multidigit multiplication. 


In fifth grade, students are extending their understanding of the base-10 place value system to include decimals to the thousandths. In this unit, they read, write, and represent decimals in various ways and learn strategies to compare, order, and round decimals. Students learn how to apply whole-number algorithms to add and subtract decimals.


You can help support your child at home by linking mathematics with daily life. Every day, people face situations that involve mathematics, such as deciding whether one has enough money to purchase a list of items at the store, building a budget, developing a schedule, or determining the price of an item on sale. Help your child realize that mathematics is a significant part of everyday life.

Shannon Peterson, Math Specialist


The Late Bus

In addition to regular, daily dismissal, a late bus is also available on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for students who stay for co-curricular activities or after-school academic support.  Buses pick up students from GMS at 4:15pm and transport them home. Please be aware that depending on the number of students riding the late bus on a given day, your child's arrival time at home may vary.  If you have specific questions about the late bus, please feel free to call the Transportation Garage at 829-4820. 


Co-Curricular Activities

5th grade Bando - Ms. Sarah Cummings [email protected]   

Chorus - Mrs. Jennifer Caton [email protected]   

Newspaper Club - Mrs. Melissa Fiess [email protected]  (see below)

5th grade Ukulele Club - Mr. Barry Saunders [email protected]  

5th grade Math Team - Mrs. Laurie Poissonnier [email protected]   

During the School Day:   
Green Team - Mrs. Monica Moore [email protected] 

Civil Rights Team - Mrs. Katie Cassessee [email protected], Mrs. Jane Kilbride-Dupuis [email protected], Ms. Molly Russell [email protected] 

Stay Connected 

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Greely Middle School 4-5   
School Calendars

Greely Middle School 4-5     
351 Tuttle Road, Cumberland, ME 04021      
Contact Us   |   207.829.4815