MSAD #51 District Newsletter - August 19, 2024

From the Superintendent

As the school year is fast approaching, you will be receiving a separate notification this week requesting that you update your child’s enrollment forms, as we do every year at this time. I am pleased to announce that we have moved these forms into Powerschool, our digital student information system, which should make this much easier for you to complete. For current MSAD #51 students, much of the information will be pre-populated to help you update and complete the forms more quickly. We hope you find this important annual task more user-friendly and time-efficient.

Another topic that has been getting attention both nationally and in MSAD #51 is student cell phone access and use in schools. Our procedures are outlined in each school's student/family handbook and are aligned to Board Policy JFCK - Student Use of Cellular Telephone and Other Electronic Devices. This policy emphasizes responsible access and use of personal phones rather than an outright ban, which some districts have recently adopted. It is my belief that educating our students about responsible digital citizenship is more impactful for their future than outright bans on phones. Each school already places limits on access and use of cell phones in order to minimize disruptions to educational programming. I would encourage you to review your child's school handbook for more detailed information and discuss these expectations for appropriate cell phone access and use with your child.

As I close this message, it is with a heavy heart that I relay the recent passing of a member of our staff, Hunter Duffy, after drowning in a Maine lake. Hunter was just 21 years old and worked as an evening custodian at GHS. He has family members who also work in the district, and this has been especially difficult for our Facilities department. There has been a Gofundme account set up in Hunter's name to support his family if you are interested in contributing. Please keep Hunter's family in your thoughts during this difficult time.

Jeff Porter

A fantastic second-place finish for our Rangers at the Sail Maine regatta on August 10! Despite the friendly atmosphere, the competition was tough. This is an incredible achievement, marking their second consecutive year as runners-up in the J22 category. We're incredibly proud of Owen McAllister, Nathan Kim, and Hunter Weiss.

Notices from the Office of the Superintendent

Facilities and Grounds Maintenance

Over the summer months each year, MSAD #51 uses the opportunity to deep clean all facilities, upgrade and renovate areas in line with our capital priorities, and take care of the campus grounds. We hire third party vendors for some of the work around campus, including grounds operations. One of our routine activities is implementing pest integration practices such as spraying weeds on school grounds. Per Board Policy ECB, the goal is to minimize pesticide application on campus, which we routinely adhere to and take seriously, seeking alternatives such as herbicides whenever possible. Additionally, even when using alternatives to pesticides, our goal and practice is to be extra cautious and not spray products when students and staff are present.

As part of their quality control measures, the Maine Department of Agriculture regularly conducts reviews of all school districts, including ours, and we have always been found to comply with state rules and local policies regarding pesticide use and application. If you have questions about the district's pest management or chemical/pesticide use and application, please contact Scott Poulin, MSAD #51's Director of Finance, Human Resources, and Operations at [email protected] or call 829-4800.

Bus Route Changes

Please note the important changes for 2024-25:

Bus #12 has been removed. Please check Bus #8, #18 and #32 for bus assignments.
Bus #10 have reversed direction for morning High School/Middle School transportation. Please check your new times.
Click Here to get all the information you need about transportation this coming school year.

2024-25 Kindergarten Registration

If your child will be five years old on or before October 15, 2024, they are eligible to attend kindergarten this fall. Additionally, if you have a student currently enrolled in a private school or being homeschooled and would like them to attend Mabel I. Wilson School in the fall, please register your child online at If you have any questions, please call or email the Mabel I. Wilson School at 829-4825. 

Stay Connected 

Click on the icon above to connect with MSAD #51.
Find all the ways MSAD #51 shares information here.

MSAD #51 Board of Directors Information

All meetings will take place at 6:00 pm in the Gyger Room at Greely High School.  For those of you unfamiliar with that room, the Gyger Room can be accessed from the GHS parking lot (the side without the electronic sign).

August 22 - Regular Meeting

Remember you can watch our meetings on YouTube LIVE (

Meeting Dates, Agendas & Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting Videos


The MSAD #51 Board of Directors has openings for community members on three of their committees. Being a member on a committee will involve attending monthly meetings (but could be more frequent depending on the urgency of the task at hand). Times will be determined after the committees have been finalized. There may also be reading or other research asked of you between meetings.

Committee Descriptions and Expected Primary Tasks for 24-25

  • School Building Committee works with the architects during the design detail phase of the new primary school and related projects. The committee will be represented by a number of stakeholders, including school staff, administrators, Board members, parents/guardians, and community members. This committee will meet on Wednesday evenings 6:00 - 8:00 PM one to two times monthly, dates TBA. Meetings are expected to start on Wednesday, September 11 (tentative) and continue through May 2025.

   The Board is seeking the following interested individuals:
   2 Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
   2 Community Members (1) Cumberland; (1) North Yarmouth

  • Artificial Turf Field Committee assists the architects in decisions pertaining to the turf field, such as materials, design, and safety. The schedule for these meetings is TBA but the committee will meet more frequently during Fall 2024 months.

   The Board is seeking the following interested individuals:
   2-3 Student Athletes
   2-3 Booster reps/ Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
   1-2 Community Members

  • The Equity Leadership Steering Committee promotes continuous learning, skill building, and dialogue in MSAD #51 to create a learning and work environment in our schools which is inclusive, free from discrimination, and that strives to eliminate barriers to success for all students and employees. The Equity Committee is responsible for ensuring that Policy ACA and its accompanying Board-approved Equity Plan are followed. This committee generally meets on a monthly basis during the school year.

The Board is seeking the following interested individuals:
1-2 Parent(s)/ Guardian(s)
1-2 Community Members

Application Process
Please click here to complete this brief application. Applications are due by 12:00 PM on Thursday, August 22nd. All applications will be reviewed by the proposed chairs of the respective committees and the Board Chair for committee placement. Final selections will be made at the MSAD #51 Board meeting on Thursday, September 5th. Thank you for your consideration!

Community Partners

Our Community Partners are strong supporters of various areas of the school.  Without them, our students would not have many of the wonderful opportunities and experiences that they receive.

Kindergarten Coffee

Welcome parents and caregivers of MSAD #51 kindergartners! Please join us to connect with other families of kindergartners, school staff and members of the Greely PTO. Coffee and muffins provided!
Dara Bistro, 371 Tuttle Road
Monday, September 9th, 8:30-9:30am
Rain Date: Tuesday, September 10th

Useful Links

Employment Opportunities

MSAD #51 Website

2018-2023 Strategic Plan

District Calendar

GHS Athletics Schedule

Greely Center for the Arts Events


If you would like something included in our weekly newsletter, please send a brief write up with title along with a JPEG or PNG image of your flyer (if applicable) to Melissa Porter for approval. The deadline each week is Wednesday. Any requests received after Wednesday will be reviewed for possible submission in the following week's newsletter. All approved submissions will be posted on the district's website.

Not all items in this email are MSAD #51 sponsored programs. If you need more information, please contact the group or organization that is sponsoring the event.

Maine School Administrative District #51
357 Tuttle Road, PO Box 6A, Cumberland, ME 04021
Contact Us   |   207.829.4800