Employee Spotlight of the Week

Where are you from? Where did you go to school?
I grew up here in Cumberland and graduated from Greely. My family and I actually live in my childhood home.
Share something about your family and/or pets.
My husband Richard and I have two daughters in the district, Priscilla is in 6th grade and Bianca is in 2nd grade. We also have a tiny chihuahua, Theodore, and four cats, Thomas, Julian, Sniper, and Piper.
What makes you proud to be a member of the MSAD #51 community?
I have always been grateful my parents chose this community. My education has served me well in my life and I'm happy to be helping another generation in some small way to receive the same high quality educational opportunities.
When you are not in school, what can you be found doing?
I love to read, so when I have a moment I am usually curled up somewhere with a book. Otherwise, our girls keep us pretty busy with their sports practices and games. In the summer, I can be found near water, I love to swim.
What celebrity would you cast to play you in the movie of your life?
Oh gosh! I guess I would have to say Melissa McCarthy or maybe Julia Louis-Dreyfus? Someone offbeat and silly.
What was your favorite class in school?
I loved math and science classes, especially in high school. Mr. Hopkinson was an amazing educator who supported me throughout all my years at Greely High and made me want to work with kids someday.