October 2023 Newsletter

From the Principal’s Desk


As noted in a recent district letter, we will participate in the Maine Through Year Assessment for Reading and Mathematics this month. Students will take this assessment on Thursday, October 12th and Tuesday, October 17th. There is no special preparation for this assessment; however, we do encourage students to be well-rested and arrive on time to school having eaten a good breakfast. While we believe attendance matters at all times of year, we thank you in advance for your attention to this testing window. The Maine Department of Education provides this resource for parents to better understand the purpose and value of this assessment for our district and our students. 


Please know that we are always open to communication that will enhance your child’s educational experience with us and welcome your questions and feedback at any time.

Sincerely, Carol MacArthur

Principal, Grades 4-5



In an effort to save on paper, newsletters are sent via email and posted on our web page.

If you would prefer a paper copy each month, please let your child’s teacher know.



Office Reminders

  • Student arrival begins at 8:20 AM. 
  • School begins at 8:50 AM.  If your child arrives after that time, they are tardy and need to check-in at the office before going to the classroom.
  • You can report absences, communicate transportation plans/changes or make general inquiries by calling the main office at 829-4815 or emailing [email protected].

We greatly appreciate your attention to these procedures, as they help to ensure that our routines run smoothly and efficiently.




It’s Vaccination Time!

Greely Middle School will be having an influenza vaccination clinic on Thursday 10/26/23 9am-11am. We will be partnering with Northern Light Home Care & Hospice to provide this clinic to our students.  

Please click on the link below and complete the consent form by Tuesday 10/24/23 at noon.  You must type something into all highlighted fields, so please use N/A if it doesn’t apply. Although the vaccine is provided at no charge, there is a cost to administer the vaccine. We appreciate it if you include accurate insurance information. There is no out of pocket cost and those without insurance will be vaccinated with the appropriate form completed. Children presenting with an incomplete form will not receive their vaccine.

Click here for Consent Form

  • You will be notified if there is a change in the planned dates of school flu clinics.
  • The Vaccine Information Sheets are included in the link after the consent form. Please take a minute to read these. 
  • If you need a translated form or are unable to complete an electronic form, please let the school nurse know and we will send a paper form home. 

All clinics will have injectable vaccines. In addition, FluMist (nasal spray) may be available at some clinics.  We cannot guarantee it for all clinics. Unless you clearly mark which type of vaccine you prefer, and there is no contraindication to either type of vaccine, the nurse at the clinic will determine which type of vaccine to use for your child.  

For information about flu and the vaccine go to www.maineflu.gov. 

For questions about the flu vaccine, call Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention (Maine CDC) at 1-800-867-4775, Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5 pm. 

For questions about the vaccine clinics at our school, please call the school nurse at: 207-829-4815


Lora Rolfe and Meaghan Riemer

Greely Middle School Nurses

[email protected]




Service Learning Project - Socktober


The students in Mrs. Gervais' and Mrs. Rothbart's 5th grade classes are excited to be working on a service learning project.  Socktober was created to raise awareness about homelessness and provide an opportunity to supply people in need with their number one needed item - socks.  During the month of October we will be collecting socks (new) and hats, mittens, gloves (can be new or gently used) which will then be delivered to Maine Needs, a Maine organization that will coordinate distribution of the items to Maine residents in need.  We appreciate any donations (both kid- and adult-sized) for this project. There are donation boxes in all 4-5 classrooms or you can leave items in the GMS office.  Thank you for your support.



From your School Counselor and School Social Worker


Make Time for Rest

In order to thrive people need adequate rest which is not the same thing as getting enough sleep.  Children use energy (emotional, mental, creative, social, sensory, and physical) during their time at school and then after school in activities, sports, and family activities. Finding ways to help children experience meaningful rest is very important.  We hope that during this long rainy weekend you and your children find some moments of meaningful rest. 


Here is a link to a Ted Talk about 7 different kinds of rest and rest deficit.

Here is a link to a short article about children and types of rest, with examples. 


Be well and well rested,


Ms. Campbell, social worker

Ms. Waterhouse, school counselor




A Look into Literacy

Although it has felt more like summer, we are already into October! It always amazes me how fast the beginning of the year goes. Our 4th and 5th grade classes have been hard at work with their fiction units in reading. 4th grade has been focusing on character development, and 5th grade has been focusing on theme. Teachers are using mentor texts to teach these units, and students are doing a lot of their own reading also.  Speaking of that, just a reminder of how much reading together at home supports children’s literacy development.  Specifically it can help with fluency, comprehension and vocabulary.  Here are some suggestions to help make reading time with your child both fun and successful!  The beginning of the year is a great time for setting up routines for reading at home. 

In writing classes right now, students are working on personal narratives in 4th grade, and persuasive essays in 5th grade. Teachers use a lot of graphic organizers to help students organize their thoughts and prepare for writing. Ask your child what they are working on right now in writing class!


Janet Giguere

Greely Middle School 

Literacy Specialist, Grades 4-5


Math Matters! submitted by Shannon Peterson, Math Specialist

Developing good mental arithmetic skills is essential to becoming a flexible problem solver. Some of these skills should become so automatic that students can use them almost without thinking; they are called reflexes in Everyday Mathematics.

In Everyday Mathematics, students build and maintain strong mental arithmetic skills, or fact power, through frequent and varied practice. The most important of these reflexes is the ability to recall the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. In grades 3-5, students work toward mastering multiplication and division facts. Practice opportunities include:

  • Fact families and Fact Triangles are related basic facts linked by either addition and subtraction or multiplication and division.
  • Daily warm-ups and Math Boxes problem sets are regular activities built into daily lessons.
  • Games: This is the predominant format for practice. Games can be tailored for different skill levels and engage students in a fun activity that would otherwise be tedious.

With a firm grasp of mathematical reflexes, students enjoy confidence and success at higher levels of mathematics.

Looking for fact fluency practice you can do at home? Check out the following resources:


Greg Tang Math Games - Kakooma 

The Multiplication Course by Steve Wyborney


Library News submitted by Dorothy Hall-Riddle, GMS 4-8 Librarian


The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to GMS!  We DESPERATELY need VOLUNTEERS! There are a variety of jobs/days/times! The PTO will be putting out a Sign Up Genius schedule shortly. We hope you can find time in your schedule to volunteer! Thanks for considering!  Books will be available to purchase in person from Monday, November 20th through Friday, December 1st & online purchases can be made from 11/20-12/3.  We will have Family Events during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday & Tuesday, November 21st & 22nd.  4th & 5th graders will be invited to shop with their class during their Library class period the week of Nov. 27- Dec. 1.


If your student doesn't know what to read next we have a couple of suggestions.  This year's MSBA nominees list is a great place to start.  If you missed the 2023 Summer Reading List, that's also a great resource to try.


We still have quite a number of students with overdue library materials.  It would be so helpful if families could help look for missing items & encourage their speedy return to the Library.  If an item is truly lost or damaged, a replacement copy is appreciated.  Students know how to log in to their accounts in Destiny to see what they have checked out & when items are due.  Thank you!



4th & 5th grade MSBA Read-Aloud Book Group (Tuesdays= 5th grade & Thursdays=4th grade)

Students interested in listening to Jennifer read Thirst by Varsha Bajaj during lunch & recess one day a week, starting next week, need to sign up here.  This is a 9 week commitment & is limited to 16 students per grade.  If a student isn't chosen for this first session, we'll keep their name in the lottery for next time.


From the STEM Lab submitted by Laurie Poissonnier, STEM Teacher

In September, we focused on Digital Citizenship.


4th graders learned the difference between personal and private information. They also learned which information about themselves is okay to share online. If you would like to continue the conversation at home, here is a Family Activity from Common Sense Media. In October, the Library will cover the digital citizenship topic of Media Choices.


5th graders learned about digital friendships. They discussed the risks and benefits of online-only friendships. If you would like to continue the conversation at home, here is a Family Activity from Common Sense Media. In October, the Library will cover the digital citizenship topic of Media Balance.


The Late Bus

In addition to regular, daily dismissal, a late bus is also available on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for students who stay for co-curricular activities or after-school academic support.  Buses pick up students from GMS at 4:15pm and transport them home. Please be aware that depending on the number of students riding the late bus on a given day, your child's arrival time at home may vary.  If you have specific questions about the late bus, please feel free to call the Transportation Garage at 829-4820.


Co-Curricular Activities


5th grade Band (starting in Jan) - Ms. Sarah Cummings [email protected]

Band lessons are underway! It has been a pleasure to meet so many new faces who are so excited to learn to play! At first, I have asked the children to "get acquainted" with their instruments, assembling it and making sounds (as I showed them). I will be posting a number of How-To videos on my webpage to help support students and parents and I encourage you to check them out as they provide details about care and assembly, making a sound, and the first 3 notes.


A regular practice routine will be the number-one key to your child's success. For right now, 10 minutes is enough for a fledgling band student but this time will increase as their skills improve and their endurance strengthens. Try to encourage practicing at least 5 times per week.


Full Band will not start until late-January, after we have mastered some basics. In the meantime, I promise that you will start to recognize some tunes in no time!


Chorus - Mrs. Jennifer Caton [email protected]

Fourth and Fifth grade chorus will be held after school on Tuesdays beginning October 17th. Rehearsals will run from dismissal until 4:05. You can find more detailed information regarding rehearsals, the late bus, concert dates and how to sign-up here. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Caton at [email protected]


Newspaper Club - Ms. Melissa Coughlin [email protected]  (see below)

5th grade Math Team - Mrs. Laurie Poissonnier [email protected] (see below)

5th grade Ukulele Club - Mr. Barry Saunders [email protected] 

Are you interested in learning more ukulele?  Then, I hope you consider joining Mr. Saunders Thursdays after school in the Ukulele Club.  We will learn more chords and songs than what we have time for in music class.  We perform occasionally in the lobby and at school assemblies.  This club is open to fifth graders starting Oct. 12, and fourth graders by invitation starting in January.  

During the School Day: 

Green Team - Mrs. Monica Moore [email protected]

Civil Rights Team - Mrs. Katie Cassessee [email protected], Mrs. Jane Kilbride-Dupuis [email protected], Ms. Molly Russell [email protected]

Math Team

Math Team is for students who love math and want to grow as a mathematician. It is an opportunity to practice math skills, learn new math skills and learn new problem solving strategies. 

We will meet on Tuesdays immediately after school in the STEM Lab until 4:10, starting October 17th. A late bus is available to those needing transportation home.

There are 4 meets; 3 virtual and (possibly) 1 in person. All students participate in the meet but only 6 students compete with their scores counting.  For this reason, participation will be limited to 24 students. This will allow all students an opportunity to have their scores count. There will be a lottery if more than 24 students sign-up. Parents and students will be notified by Oct. 13th if selected.

Click to go to the Math Team sign-up. Deadline for sign-up is Oct. 11th.

GMS 4-5 Newspaper Club 

Do you like to write? Do you like doing research and sharing information with others? If so, Ms. Coughlin invites you to sign up for the GMS 4-5 Newspaper Club. 4th and 5th graders are welcome! 

Meetings will be held on Thursdays after school until 4:10, which allows students time to make the late bus. The fall/winter session of Newspaper Club runs from October 19th to early/mid February. In February there will be a separate sign up for the winter/spring session.

There is a lot of interest in this activity and therefore there is a capacity limit of 18 members for each session to ensure a quality experience for all. 

Please only sign your child up if they are passionate about the writing process and they are available to consistently meet after school on Thursdays. Sign ups close on Thursday 10/12 and Ms. Coughlin will communicate the final roster for the fall/winter session with families on Monday 10/16.

Priority for membership will be given to 5th graders who did not participate in newspaper club last year as this year is their final opportunity to participate. After these students have been given priority the remaining names of students who signed up will be selected for membership using a random selection process. 

Please contact Melissa Coughlin at [email protected] with any questions. Thank you!

Link to Newspaper Club Sign Up Form